So this time the folder of negative was on the top of my list. The first chance I had, I tore into the basement closet and inspected each box. Nothing. Well there was something, but it wasn't what I was looking for. Some shoes, hats, old papers and books. I'm sure I sounded like I was going to cry when I told my mom that I couldn't find it. She told me to try out side under the deck. That sounded like a recipe for disaster, even if it was covered. The humidity in the south is thick. I was scared the negative might be stuck to the plastic sheets or even worse not there at all. I went down there and found a box of toys, a box of clothes, and 4 or 5 boxes of shoes. Not shoe boxes, but boxes of shoes without boxes. Probably 8 to 10 pairs each. That was a little surprising. Like I said out of sight, out of mind. Who cares about that though, I needed those negatives. Luckily they were in the box with the toys (Tupac doll, Mac Dre bobble head, tiny sneakers, airsoft uzi). I even had this old large format Kodak my brother bought of a crack head. I don't know if I can use it, but it will look good with the collection.
I can't wait to print some of these out. Its crazy. We were just babies. Skating, drinking, and just hanging out. I just regret not taking more photos.