These are photos from the SLO skate park back in the day. I had one of the gold fish eyes that screwed on top of my other lense and I was messing around trying to take some skate photos. I think this roll of film was in the glove box of my car for the summer and after the film was processed it was stored shotty. All in all I think the defects are the best part of the photos.

Tyler when we called him small fries. Way before the Killa.

Not sure if those shots are Mark-tallica or Shuan "kick-flip king".
Prob Shuan I don't think Mark had a back smith

I can't remember this kids name for the life of me

Jacob was a beast. Those are fakie ollies out of the launch ramp.

Jacob again. This is prob the best photo out of the whole roll.
All rights resurved Kamal Smith
© 2009