I picked up a couple boxes of 4x5 film and a sheet film developing tank from urban ore a while back. I knew I would eventually need the tank and for $6 I jumped on it. The film was like 60 cents a box, so if it was exposed... oh well. I had to trim the film down a little to fit 9x12cm for my old folding Kodak. Next time I'm going to use something better than a cardboard template and an exacto knife, but for testing the film it got the job done.

I had to wait till he was sleep to set up, focus and take a shot with that old camera. I can barely do it with a manual focus slr, he is to quick.

Sorry Sabah, I wish this one had come out better. I took ten minutes setting up the shot with some house plants in the forground and crap. Thats what I get for trying to use the whole negative.

Shot this last one of my wash tub sink, late night while developing film. I figured I might as well shot this last one and see if this sheet film is any good. Its defenitly worth what I paid for it. So I have about 25 more sheets to mess around with. Its should be fun.